Services Offered

Londos Family Chiropractic is a modern facility known for its range of Chiropractic techniques and other services.

Spinal Adjustment

After you received your Report of Findings, you will have your first adjustment.  Most of the time, you will lay on your stomach for your adjustment.  Before you lie down the doctor will show you how the table works.  The table makes a loud noise because of the material it is made of and it moves up and down.  In our office the doctors also use an instrument called an activator.  The activator makes a little clicking noise.  The doctor will show you what it feels like on your hand before you lay down.  

The adjustment helps remove layers of injuries that you and the doctor discussed during your exam and report of findings.  As you are adjusted the nerves will begin to heal.  This will allow your body to function better not only helping with your major complaint, but many people report lots of other added benefits (see our testimonial section.)   The adjustment only takes a few minutes and then you’re on your way.

The doctor uses several different adjusting techniques, including Gonstead, Diversified, Thompson, and Activator.


Other Services

  • On-Premise X-Ray Facility
  • Health Awareness Seminar, every Tuesday @ 7 PM